Back to Krabi and on to Chiang Mai

July 11th, 2008. Thailand

I just read Nik’s very thorough blog post about our time in Krabi and our first two days in Chiang Mai.  I never do this because I know that if I do I won’t have the desire to write my own….so I am going to do exactly what I have been avoiding…I am going to direct you towards his post for photos and to get the gist of the past 6 days.

N’s blog: 2 Nightz Krabi, 2 Nightz Train, 2 Fast and Furious Nightz Chiang Mai Drift

Sorry for the cop out, but here are my additions….


This is Nik as I see him 50% of the time. His love and excitement for traveling and documenting is amazing. It makes our travels last forever. And I thought he was obsessed when he had a little point & shoot camera last with his fancy new SLR, he can't get enough!


I don't know what "CME" is, but I like their office! I love the contrast between the bright yellow and the white and gray that occupies most of the city. (this office is just off of Nimanhemin Road)


Motorbikes are the primary means of transportation here in Thailand, even in the rainy season. Here the driver is lucky enough to have a passenger holding the umbrella for her, but it is not unusual to see drivers with one hand steering and the other holding an umbrella.

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