A Quilt for M+C

C was the first friend of Nik’s I was introduced to. It was at his little house behind a house in Portland, and he served Thai food on bright orange plates. Towards the end of the evening, C took a little break from socializing to call M. His voice was sweeter, and his grin was wider.

C+M Photo by Scott Clark
A month ago, C married M!! Nik and I joined in the celebration, and as a token of our excitement, Nik gave a speech that made them laugh and I made a blanket to keep them warm. The blanket was inspired by the letterpress pattern on their invitations and the colors of M’s bridesmaid dresses.

Invitation inspiration & the sweetest thank you note ever!! Drawing by Chris Appelhans

Laying out lots of triangles

Everything pieced together and ready for quilting

Finished Quilt
This was one of those projects that made me wish I could do this to make a living. Maybe I will one day. But I better start taking better photos of my work!!!
this quilt is beautiful. such nice work.
it has been so long since i’ve seen you.
i hope you are well.